$35 / 1 instance(s)
Global requirements/features
- You must have a rune pouch. The script will keep law, nature and fire runes in runepouch. If you're an ironman, it'll use earth and air runes over dust runes.
- A decent Agility level
- Would not recommend any cannon methods unless you're babysitting: Zammy and 9:0 bandos
- Unlocking the Rigour prayer is highly recommended
- 70 health
- Leaves and hops if crashed
- Mounted glory OR ornate jewellery box in PoH
- 61 magic & Eadgars Ruse, uses trollheim teleport to get there
- Must have gone to gwd at least once. Additionally, certain factions like saradomin require pre-setups like attaching the ropes
- Option to use blowpipe for killcount
- Prayer flicks while getting killcount
- Prayer flicks the attacks/minions
- Supports a primary and minion loadout. If using ancients for minions I suggest only bringing an occult necklace and weapon, otherwise inventory spaces become an issue
- Will find a world for you
- Supports banking
- Supports restocking
- Supports blood bursting/barraging minions
- Set run invert mode to never
- 70 Strength
- A bandos and zamorak item in your equipment
- 9:0 method (Bowfa OR crystal bow, cannon base)
- 6:0 method (Crossbow, crystal bow or bowfa)
- Hammer in bank
- Ranging pots (ranging, divine, bastion)
- Stamina pots
Example bandos setup
Bandos media
12 hour bandos session
- A saradomin and zamorak item in your equipment
- 9:0 method (Bowfa OR crystal bow)
- Ranging pots (ranging, divine, bastion)
- Stamina pots
- A zamorak item in your equipment
- 8:0 method (Bowfa OR crystal bow, cannon base)
- 5:0 method (Crossbow, crystal bow or bowfa)
- Antipoison (antipoison, superantipoison, antidote+, antidote++, sanfew serum)
- Stamina pots
- Ranging pots (ranging, divine, bastion)
- A blowpipe because there is no other way to sustain
- Does NOT currently sell loot
- Pay death to get items back if you die (Optional)
- Better approach to getting saradomin killcount
- Bursting/barraging