GWD Account Builder
GWD Account Builder
- Builds a god-wars-dungeon-ready account for you from level 3
- Requires membership and coins
- Trains all requires skills and completes quests
- Manages game settings
- Configurable level targets and extra optional skills for account variance
- Manages game settings
- Alch value configuration
- House settings
- Warnings
- Grand exchange confirmations
- Supply piles
- Completes Imp Catcher for early magic experience and trains to 21 for low alch
- Completes Varrock Museum and various quests for slayer
- Trains agility to 40 while casting alchemy
- Completes the restless ghost
- Trains prayer to 44
- Completes druidic ritual
- Purchases a player-owned house
- Trains to 29 farming and construction using bagged plants
- Trains to 47 construction using oak planks and the Phials method
- Trains woodcutting to 35
- Completes ernest the chicken
- Completes waterfall quest
- Trains low level combat at the selected spot with effective style switching to 40-40-20
- Completes priest in peril quest
- Continues agility to 50 (70 if sara)
- Dwarf cannon
- Creates a mounted glory in your player-owned house
- Combat (Melee while using cannon)
- Buys gear
- Train to 60 attack
- Train to 60 defence
- Train to 70 strength
- Train to 70 defence
- Continues ranged if the desired ranged level is not met
- 19 crafting
- 31 herblore
- Death plateau
- Troll stronghold
- Eadgars ruse
- 49 Firemaking
- 18 slayer using turael
- Animal Magnetism
- Up to 50 fishing (optional)
- Up to 50 mining (optional)